
There are a variety of grief support programs and resources for families in Calgary. The programs listed below are excellent and are listed here because people who have attended found them very helpful.

SIDS Calgary Society, Peer Support

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 84084, RPO Market Mall, Calgary, AB T3A 5C4
Phone: (403) 265-SIDS (7437)
Contact: or
Services: Self-help for parents who have experienced the sudden and unexpected loss of a baby. This group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every 2nd month at 7pm at the Good Earth Coffeehouse and Bakery (1502 11 St SW).

Alberta Children’s Hospital

Bereavement Counsellor

Address: 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 229-7671
Contact: Megan Miller
Services: Individual and group counselling available

Hospice Calgary

Address: 1245 – 70 Avenue SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 263-4525
Services: Individual and group counselling available for children and adults

Alberta Children’s Hospital

Children’s Hospice and Palliative Care Service-Grief Support Program
Address: 1245 – 70 Avenue SE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 955 – 5463
Services: Individual, couple and group counseling for families who have experienced the loss of a child 0-17 years of age.

Alberta Health Services – Grief Support Program

Address: 1820 Richmond Rd SW, Calgary, AB T2T 5C7
Phone: (403)955-8011
Services: Individual and group grief support for available to families who have experienced the death of an older child. Services are provided at the Bob Glasgow Grief Support Centre located at Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Center.

Alive Alone

Address: 5008 Elbow Dr SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2L5
Phone: (403) 276-2296
Contact: Kathy Cloutier
Services:A support group for bereaved parents who do not have surviving children. The group meets through McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes, every third Tuesday @ 7pm.

H.U.G.S (Helping Us Grieve Support)

Address: 45 Edenwold Dr NW #104, Calgary, AB T3A 3S8
Phone: (403) 815- 6243
Contact: Yvonne Clark at
Services:A self-help group for families who have lost a child at any age and from any cause. The group meets the last Wednesday of each month at Friends Cappuccino Bar and Bake Shop (45 Edenwold Dr NW) from 6:30-8:30 pm.

The Compassionate Friends

Address: 732 55 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2V 0G3
Contact: or
Services:Self-help group for bereaved parents that meet every 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30pm First Evangelical Free Church.

Caring Beyond

Phone: (403) 944- 2209
Services: Caring Beyond is a support group for parents who have lost a baby due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, neonatal death or termination due to poor prenatal diagnosis.

Family to Family Connections

Phone: (403) 955-2456
Contact: or email:
Services: An opportunity to connect with a volunteer parent who has also experienced the loss of a child for the sharing of information, support and resources.

Alberta Health Services – Pregnancy & Infant Loss Program

Phone: (403)-944-8835
Services: Provides individual, couples, family & group counselling following the loss of a pregnancy (miscarriage, Ectopic, medical interruption), stillbirth & neonatal death.

Journey Through Loss of a Young Child

Contact: Barb at or
Services: A self help group of bereaved mothers who have experienced the loss of a young child that meets informally at a coffee shop.

Suicide Services, Canadian Mental Health Association

Phone: (403) 297-1744
Services: Education and bereavement support for families who have experienced a loss by suicide.